
Listing a commercial property involves analysis of the property and market, preparation of the property, preparing financial models for the most attractive pro-forma for the property, diligence in marketing the property and following every lead, providing support throughout the marketing of property in helping owner’s answer questions about the property, helping owner manage the due diligence process and streamlining and expediting a closing.

Assisting in locating a commercial property is somewhat like a scavenger hunt utilizing every resource available. After completing a needs assessment, we utilize multiple resources and contacts to identify properties on the market and often some that are not being publicly marketed yet. We then assist with diligence on the property and market area to determine offer price and terms that will meet the needs of the buyer, negotiate with seller and their agents, conduct and support diligence as needed and help get the property closed in a timely and efficient way. All of this is done with a focus on getting the best possible terms for the property.

Commercial Leasing

In addition we have leasing experience for both short-term and long-term space. Our approach is often similar to listing or selling a commercial property because leasing is often a long term and expensive component to ensure the success of a business strategy. We have years of experience in retail and office commercial properties and will assist by providing services to locate, evaluate, negotiate, and get you moved into the space.